Who We Are and What We Do

The Chester County Bar Association represents over 1,000 attorneys throughout Chester County who are actively involved and interested in their community through our Law Talks program.  Our member attorneys are available to speak to students, seniors, religious, civic and social groups in the Chester County community on our legal system.  We provide this service at no cost to your organization.

We offer interesting and informative presentations on a variety of legal topics to help your group learn about their rights, the law and the legal profession.*

Our "LAW Talks" program is available to speak to organizations such as schools, senior centers, service clubs, Chambers, religious instituations and youth organizations.

To schedule a speaker for your group, Please contact Meredith Barr: 610-692-1889 or mbarr@chescobar.org

*Attorneys participating in this program will present their own views and do not represent the Chester County Bar Association.

What We Talk About  

Requested topics:

  • Our Courts and the Legal System
    • Are Judges Impartial and Should They Be
    • Civics/Ethics
    • Clearing Your Record
    • Constitutional Principles
    • How to Hire an Attorney
    • Jury Service / Being a Witness
    • Law as a Career
    • Pennsylvania Courts
    • Small Claims Court/District Justice Court
  •  Law Practice Areas of Interest
    • Bankruptcy
    • Buying a Home
    • Criminal Law
    • Discrimination
    • Elder Law / Social Security / Medicare
    • Employee/Employer Relations
    • Employment Law
    • Environmental Law
    • Family Law
      • Marriage and Divorce Laws
      • Custody/Support
      • Guardianships (Adult or Child)
    • Immigration Law
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Internet/Cyberspace Law
    • Land Use and Zoning
    • Pennsylvania’s Credit Laws
    • Personal Injury
    • Probate & Estate Planning
      • Financial Powers of Attorney
      • Living Wills and Health Care Powers of Attorney
      • Wills / Revocable / Living Trusts
    • Tenant/Landlord Rights and Obligations
  • Traffic Accidents

Click here to download a speaker request form.
Click here to download a speaker application.