Volunteer for our Access to Justice program

To participate in our Access to Justice program,
Email Lauren Shea: 

Why should I volunteer?
Many hardworking citizens throughout Chester County earn too much to qualify for pro bono legal representation through Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, yet cannot afford the high cost of hiring a private attorney. The members of the Chester County Bar Association recognize this challenge and have developed our award-winning Access to Justice program. Volunteer attorneys agree to take cases on a rotating basis (approximately 1-3 per year). 

Cases we accept include: 

  • Simple Wills
  • Power of Attorney
  • Living Wills
  • Bankruptcy (Chapter 7 only)
  • Landlord-Tenant
  • Elder Law
  • Custody and Visitation
  • No Asset Divorce
  • Small Estates
  • Miscellaneous cases at the discretion of the program.

Check out the list of clients in need of representation here!


Sign up today - we need your help!

Click here to register through our online form



Help support Legal Aid of Southeast PA! If you cannot help by donating your time, please consider making a monetary contribution:
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