Fee Dispute Program

The Purpose 

The Chester County Bar Association's Fee Dispute Program provides for the prompt resolution through arbitration of disputes involving charges for professional services by attorneys whose main offices are located in Chester County.  This program also provides for arbitration of fee disputes between attorneys in their professional capacity and physicians, stenographers, consultants and expert witnesses where the fee dispute arises out of a professional relationship other than that of attorney-client if both parties agree to be bound. The Fee Dispute Committee also reviews complaints for referral, when appropriate, to the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

Disputes not subject to arbitration include:

Disputes where the fees and/or costs charged to or paid by the client or on the client's behalf have been determined pursuant (in accordance with) to statute or by court order, rule, or decision.

Disputes where a third person is responsible for payment of the fees and the client fails to join in the request for arbitration.

Click here to view the rules of the fee dispute committee.
You can download the Fee Dispute Initial Complaint for using the links below: 
Fee Dispute Initial Complaint form:    [ PDF ]  

Either drop off or mail the completed application to:

Chester County Bar Association
Fee Dispute Committee
15 W. Gay Street
2nd Floor
West Chester, PA   19380