Young Lawyers’ Division (YLD)



The Young Lawyers' Division (YLD) of the Chester County Bar Association promotes and preserves the interests of our younger members by encouraging professional development through educational and service programs and activities. Our YLD provides an opportunity to meet and socialize with other members of the Chester County Bar Association and encourages young lawyers to participate in the general activities of the Association. Lunch is provided at no cost to CCBA Members of the YLD.

2024 YLD Officers:

Ryan M. Jennings, Esq., Chair

Lauren Nehra, Esq., Chair Elect

Asha Steele-Chartier, Esq., Secretary/Treasurer

Amanda M. V. Grant, Esq., Immediate Past Chair


Membership in our YLD is open to all members of the Chester County Bar Association until the conclusion of the next annual meeting of the Young Lawyers' Division after such member obtains the age of 40 and shall also include all members of the Chester County Bar Association, regardless of age, until the fourth annual meeting of the Division following the first admission to the practice of law in any jurisdiction.


The Bylaws of the Chester County Bar Association's Young Lawyers' Division


Contact Information
Would you like to join our Young Lawyers' Division?  Contact Lauren Shea at

"The Bar Association fosters a sense of camaraderie amongst members of the Bar. For young attorneys in particular, the Bar Association offers a unique opportunity to engage your peers and build relationships with senior attorneys outside of the traditional work environment. One of the most rewarding aspects of membership is working with attorneys from different practices and generations to give back to the community."

 - James Doyle, Esq., Young Lawyers' Division Chair, 2019